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Applied Regression and Modeling-A Computer Integrated Approach

Written By Sahay, Amar
2016, Edition 1
Category: Six Sigma
Level: Intermediate

Business Expert Press
United States of America
URL: http://www.businessexpertpress.com

About This Book

Applied Regression and Modelling: A Computer Integrated Approach creates a balance between the theory, practical applications, and computer implementation behind Regression – one of the most widely used techniques in analyzing and solving real world problems. The book begins with a thorough explanation and discussion of Regression Analysis with computer applications. This is followed by Multiple Regression – a widely used tool to predict a response variable using two or more predictors. The book emphasizes the use of computers to relieve the analyst of tedious, repetitive calculations and allow the analyst to focus on creating and interpreting successful models. In addition, the book presents complete computer analysis including the interpretation of multiple regression models along with the model adequacy tests and residual analysis using widely used computer software. Finally, the book extends the concepts to Modeling. Among the models discussed are non-linear, higher order, interaction, models with qualitative variables, all subset regression, and step-wise regression with real world applications. Analysis and interpretation of computer results are also presented. The statistical background material for regression, computer instructions for the software - Excel and MINITAB– used in the book and all of the data files can be downloaded from the website link provided.

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